- Sa spui lucruri negative despre copilul lui: Exemple: ca este urat, nu are talent la ce parintele crede ca are, cum ca nu este cuminte, ca este agitat, ca este violent, ca este prea gras, etc.
- Sa-l judeci cu privire la modul in care isi educa copiii
- Sa-ti compari copilul cu al lui, mai ales daca il scoti pe al tau castigator
- Sa-l critici de fata cu copilul (lucru care ii subrezeste autoritatea)
- Sa ai limbaj sau povesti neadecvate varstei copilului
1.Tell them their baby is ugly
2. Judge them
3. Tell them how to raise their child
4. Compare your child to theirs. Every kid is different!
5. Undermine their authority in front of their child. - See more at: http://www.firsttimemomanddad.com/2014/11/5-things-you-should-never-do-to-another.html#sthash.s9J2NC1R.dpuf
1.Tell them their baby is ugly
2. Judge them
3. Tell them how to raise their child
4. Compare your child to theirs. Every kid is different!
5. Undermine their authority in front of their child. - See more at: http://www.firsttimemomanddad.com/2014/11/5-things-you-should-never-do-to-another.html#sthash.s9J2NC1R.dpuf