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care le-aveti cu genetica?

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Postat 28 septembrie 2003 - 15:02

adi69, pai ori schimbi orasul de facut teste - ca vezi ca variaza grupa de la oras la oras, ori le scrii la nenea aia cu genetica, sa mai aprofundeze si ei stiinta! Sanatate la bebei si mamici.



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Postat 28 septembrie 2003 - 20:15

pentru toti cei care nu pot deschide link-urile postate anterior si au nelamuriri cu privire la acest subiect (imi cer scuze ca n-am timp sa le traduc). pentru o citire mai "usoara" voi posta cate un mesaj pt. fiecare topic. The Human ABO markers: The A, B, and O alleles Human blood type is determined by co-dominant alleles. An allele is one of several different forms of genetic information that is present in our DNA at a specific location on a specific chromosome. Blood Types There are three different alleles for human blood type: blood types IA, IB, i. For simplicity, we call these A, B, respectively O. Genotypes Each of us has two ABO blood type alleles, because we each inherit one blood type allele from our biological mother and one from our biological father. A description of the pair of alleles in our DNA is called the genotype. Since there are three different alleles, there are a total of six different genotypes at the human ABO genetic locus. Allele from the mother: A, A, A, B, B, B, O Allele from the father: A, B, O, A, B, O, O Genotype of offspring : AA, AB*, AO, AB*, BB, BO, OO Bloodtypes of offspring: A, AB, A, AB, B, B, O nota: a se vedea sub forma de tabel - coloana 1 (allele from the mother), coloana 2 (allele from the father) etc.



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Postat 28 septembrie 2003 - 20:21

How are blood types related to the six genotypes? A blood test is used to determine whether the A and/or B characteristics are present in a blood sample. It is not possible to determine the exact genotype from a blood test result of either type A or type B. If someone has blood type A, they must have at least one copy of the A allele, but they could have two copies. Their genotype is either AA or AO. Similarly, someone who is blood type B could have a genotype of either BB or BO. Blood type A => possible genotypes AA, AO Blood type B => possible genotypes BB, BO A blood test of either type AB or type O is more informative. Someone with blood type AB must have both the A and B alleles. The genotype must be AB. Someone with blood type O has neither the A nor the B allele. The genotype must be OO. Blood type AB => possible genotypes AB Blood type 0 => possible genotypes OO pupici. http://www.desprecop...ckname=iubibubi



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Postat 28 septembrie 2003 - 20:47

How are ABO alleles inherited by our children? Each biological parent donates one of their two ABO alleles to their child. A mother who is blood type O can only pass an O allele to her son or daughter. A father who is blood type AB could pass either an A or a B allele to his son or daughter. This couple could have children of either blood type A (O from mother and A from father) or blood type B (O from mother and B from father). Inherited: O from the mother, A from the father => blood type of child: A Inherited: O from the mother, B from the father => blood type of child: B Since there are 4 different maternal blood types and 4 different paternal blood types possible, there are 16 different combinations to consider when predicting the blood type of children. Blood Type Calculator The following Blood Type Calculator lets you determine the *possible* blood type of a child, given the blood types of the two biological parents or the *possible* blood types of one biological parent, given the blood types of the child and the other biological parent. We emphasize "possible" because, in most cases, blood typing is not conclusive when attempting to determine, include or exclude an individual as the parent of an offspring. This calculator is based solely on theoretical principles. It would be a mistake to use this information to make any conclusions about your own family tree. * parinte 1 grupa A, parinte 2 grupa A => grupe posibile copil A, O * parinte 1 grupa A, parinte 2 grupa AB => grupe posibile copil A, AB, B * A, B => A, AB, B, O * A, O => A, O * O, O => O * B, B => B, O * AB, AB => A, AB, B * B, AB => A, AB, B * AB, O => A, B * B, O => B, O pupici. http://www.desprecop...ckname=iubibubi


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Postat 28 septembrie 2003 - 20:50

din parinti cu grupa A2, dar unul cu Rh+, tatal, si celalt cu Rh-, iese copilul cu grua A sau 0 cu Rh + sau -, cadovada tu adi69 ai Rh-. e o greseala, ori la grupa parintilor ori la a ta.



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Postat 28 septembrie 2003 - 21:10

What about the Rh factor? The Rh factor genetic information is also inherited from our parents, but it is inherited independently of the ABO blood type alleles. There are 2 different alleles for the Rh factor known as Rh+ and Rh-. Someone who is "Rh positive" or "Rh+" has at least one Rh+ allele, but could have two. Their genotype could be either Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh-. Someone who is Rh- has a genotype of Rh-/Rh-. Rh factor: Rh+ => Possible genotypes: Rh+/Rh+ , Rh+/Rh- Rh factor: Rh- => Possible genotypes: Rh-/Rh- Just like the ABO alleles, each biological parent donates one of their two Rh alleles to their child. A mother who is Rh- can only pass an Rh- allele to her son or daughter. A father who is Rh+ could pass either an Rh+ or Rh- allele to his son or daughter. This couple could have Rh+ children (Rh- from mother and Rh+ from father) or Rh- children (Rh- from mother and Rh- from father). mother Rh-, father RH+ => child Rh+ mother Rh-, father RH- => child Rh- nota: exista si aici un fel de "blood type&Rh factor calculator", dar sunt foarte multe combinatii ca sa le scriu aici. mai dau o data link-ul poate, cine stie, reusiti sa-l deschideti. daca nu, si sunteti interesati, dati-mi datele si incerc sa-l deschid eu si sa va scriu individual rezultatul. info de care este nevoie: pentru a determina posibilele grupe de sange ale copilului - grupele de sange si factorii Rh ale ambilor parinti; pentru a determina posibilele grupe de sange ale unuia dintre parinti - grupele de sange si factorii Rh ale celuilalt parinte si ale copilului. http://www.biology.a.../rh_factor.html pupici. http://www.desprecop...ckname=iubibubi



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Postat 29 septembrie 2003 - 13:30

iubi...a dat exact raspunsul care iti trebuie... deci, cred ca trebuie repetate analizele. ma gandeam ca poate de la bunici sa apara b, dar sunt cazuri extrem de rare. eu tot cred ca este o eroare la mijloc... ariel http://community.web...r/alinapaveliuc http://community.web.../alinapaveliuc1 http://community.web.../alinapaveliuc2



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Postat 29 septembrie 2003 - 16:08

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