
GRUP de initiativa civica

  • The Initiative for Responsible Citizenship is a Romanian-based action group that unites Romanian NGOs and un-affiliated individuals who have decided to work together in order to make the community in which they live healthier and safer.
    Romania is one of the newest member-states of the EU and IREC wishes to inform Romanian citizens on how to become involved in their comunity and how to assist and monitor the Romanian authorities that have the duty to pass and enact useful legislation.
    This group was formed spontaneously in light of the tragic death of Ionut Anghel, a 4 year old boy who was killed by stray dogs in the center of Bucharest, a European state capital. His death sparked outrage amidst citizens and parent communities since the authorities have failed to solve the problem of stray dogs that have become wild and have taken over the city, attacking over 16000 citizens of Bucharest, over 3000 of which are children in 2012, according to the National Anti-Rabies Center.
    IREC through its members was compelled to become involved and ask imperatively the authorities for the necessary legislation to solve the problem of stray dogs in an efficient albeit legal and humane manner. Through several public protests and with immense media pressure the Romanian autorities have passed the aforementioned legislation to take the stray dogs off the streets into animal shelters, spay/neuter them and have them out for adoption for 14 days, euthanizing only the old, sick or unadopted dogs.
    IREC is now committed to:
    • Assist and monitor the authorities' swift and correct enactment of the law
    • Communicate a correct and truthful account of this situation to international media outlets that have been subjected to deceitful propaganda and falsifed accounts of animal cruelty by extremist groups with a financial gain in keeping the stray-dog problem unaddressed.
    • Inform and mobilize citizens to assist authorities in the effort to take the stray dogs off the streets.
    IREC was formed and is supported by the following responsabile organizations, communities and individuals:

    On-line Parent Community, o
    ver 127.000 supporters
     Mothers for Mothers NGO, over 2.500 supporters
    On-line Resource & Advocacy Center for solving the problem of stray dogs

    Nadine Apostolescu, Artist and Civic Activist, over 8.000 supporters

    Pro Civilization NGO, over 600 supporters
    Initiativa pentru Responsabilitate Civica este un grup de actiune format din organizatii neguvernamentale, comunitati on-line si cetateni ne-afiliati uniti de un scop comun: acela de se implica civic pentru a creste gradul de sanatate si siguranta a cetatenilor din comunitatea lor. IREC numara peste 130.000 de sustinatori.
    IREC s-a constituit in urma mortii tragice a lui Ionut Anghel, copilul de 4 ai ucis de cainii strazii. Aceasta tragedie a revoltat cetatenii responsabili din Romania si a readus pe agenda publica problema grava a celor 65.000 de caini fara stapan de pe strazile Capitalei.
    Organizatiile si cetatenii care au constituit IREC s-au mobilizat si organizat spontan pentru a cere prin proteste de strada autoritatilor sa-si faca datoria si sa voteze legislatia necesara pentru rezolvarea problemei cainilor fara stapan.
    In ciuda opozitiei agresive a organizatiilor extremiste care militeaza impotriva eutanasierii cainilor strazii, animate fiind de interese financiare dovedite de numeroase anchete media, legislatorul a votat finalmente o lege care nu este numai constitutionala si europeana dar si extrem de necesara pentru protectia cetatenilor. Legea a fost confirmata de Curtea Constitutionala si promulgata de Presedinte.
    Scopul de termen lung al IREC este sa desfasoare campanii de informare si mobilizare a cetatenilor pentru ca acestia sa isi protejeze comuniatatea de prezenta cainilor fara stapan prin notificarea ASPA si solicitarea ridicarii acestora din zona respectiva.
    IREC are ca scop deasmenea sa combata prin comunicarea de informatii corecte si adevarate propaganda mincinoasa facuta pe plan international de grupuri, organizatii si indivizi extremisti care dezinformeaza in mod premeditat presa, autoritatile si opinia publica internationala prin imagini trucate cu animale abuzate sau imagini reale dar care provin din alte state precum si cu relatari false despre violente importiva cainilor strazii din Romania.
    Scopul imediat al IREC este sa monitorizeze finalizarea procesului legislativ pana la implementarea rapida si eficienta a legii. IREC a transmis propunerile sale ANSVSA, autoritatea in responsabilitatea careia intra conceperea normelor de aplicare a legii, norme fara de care aplicarea legii poate fi sau blocata sau efectuata contrar intentiei legislatorului.
    IREC reuneste urmatoarele organizatii, comunitati si cetateni responsabili:

    Comunitate on-line de parinti, peste
     127.000 sustinatori
    Asociatia Mame pentru Mame, peste 2.500 sustinatori
    Centru on-line de Resurse si Advocacy pentru rezolvarea problemei cainilor fara stapan
    Nadine Apostolescu, Artist si Activist civic, peste 8.000 sustinatori

    Asociatia Pro Civilizatie, peste 600 sustinatori


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