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Goldie Pants - 48

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Postat 02 martie 2011 - 16:23



Goldie Pants

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Postat 02 martie 2011 - 16:37

LMA pt baba lu iona[flo][:D][pk] sa fie sunny si happy ca sa aiba sixtera iona tot anul asa [:D]



You are the cry that turns to laughter,

the sweetness and the morning after
, Mrs. Purple Jackson

Never can say goodbye...



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Postat 02 martie 2011 - 17:35

buna sisterile[pup][flo]

multumesc[asia] de ziua baba[pk][pk][pk]aleasa[cit][:D] iaste si sunny si happy[bis][bis][bis] si [roker]...asa sa fie tot anu[8D][:D][:D][8D]


Heal The World

Make It A Better Place

For You And For Me

And The Entire Human Race




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Postat 02 martie 2011 - 23:31


buna sisterileeee[pk][pk][pk] bine ne-am regasit in noul apartament cu voi[flo] si cu baetii vostri[olala]

sixtera iona[flo] fuarte fromoasa zi-baba ai avut[bis][bis] iar io maxim bine m-am inteles cu soarile[olala] lu sistera mj[flo] nici agresiv tare, nici bland maxim nu a fost[8D][8D] numa bun pentru vremili astea[:D][:D]

meeeeey in afara de concertile private a li lu BADio la alte BAD concerte nu am fost iar trecou iaste raxpunsu la marea dilema a lu BAD rexpectiv "Who's bad?" el insixta k sa il port k ii place mult atunci cand pfffffffff iar vorbex pra mult

eeeeeee mey sistera mj[pup] noi stim k tu mereu la toate concertili lu BAD[il] si lu toti baetii mei[il] iasti prezanta[bis][bis][bis] in primul rand [:D][:D] cu uokii cascati[wow] maxim vizibil marcata de fromosetea si talentu lu lor[il][il][bis] da' habar nu stii ca baetu meu[olala][olala] never nu e in dilema[bis][bis] iaca ia de te covinge singura dak stie raspunsu la intrebare or ba [bis]



ah, si daca suxtii ca baetu meu[olala] insisteaza k neaparat sa porti trecoul[:D][:D] nu poate decat sa ma bucureze mey[bis][bis] in skimb baetii tai[olala] insisteaza k io sa port costumu N [pk][pk][pk][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))]

"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.

I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.

I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.

I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.

The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."





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Postat 02 martie 2011 - 23:38

pffffffff iete poftim, l-am rugat pi BAD[olala][olala] sa te strige si sa te mai cadorisim cu un trecou[pk][pk][pk] k asea fana devotata mai rar intalnim[:D][:D][:D][:D] fii pe faza, nu cumva sa ratezi premiul[:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))]



"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.

I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.

I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.

I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.

The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."





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Postat 03 martie 2011 - 02:05

buna nuaptea sixterileeeeeeeeeee[pk][pk][pk]

sis parpal [pup] moltumim de dexchiderea lu casa noo [pk][pk][pk]

sis iona[pup] happy baba's day [:D] [pk][pk][pk]zioa nu e aleasa e stabelita fix pi criteriili enuntate de bad sixtera [8D]

na lasa mey sixtera bad [pup] insixteaza [:D] iasti maxima cand insixtezi [pk][pk][pk] k si marile N pi care l-ai loat in brate [8D][8D][8D]nu ai vra k sa aflezi tuate premiili cu care m-a cadorisit Bad si cre ca nici pentru ce merite [:D][bis][bis][bis] cat dexpre dilemile si insixtentile lu BAD [:I]ce poci k sa zic [8D][8D][8D] e multe si e maxim BAD[:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))] poza pusa de tine e fuarte potrivita [:D] BAD kiar vra k sa ma convinge k el e al mai BAD [8D]

na lasa tu stai si defileaza in cuostuoamu N k nemik Bad nu e in asta [zz][zz][zz] si ruaga-l pi Bad sa ma xtrige in continuare in rest....duar kestii gooooooooood se intampleaza [8D][8D][8D] [pk][pk][pk]


Michael Jackson is a special part of me ![il][il][il]




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Postat 03 martie 2011 - 13:28

neatza sisterilor[pk][pk][pk]

zioa nu e aleasa e stabelita fix pi criteriili enuntate de bad sixtera

ziu de ieri[pk] a fost stabelita prin adunare[:D] da mai vreu una si prin scadere[8D][8D][pk][:D] dak tot e din 2 cifre[pk] data lu ziu meu[8D][pk] am dreptu, nu?[pk][pk][:D]

ma escuzati de atat[pk][pk][pk] da ma[:-)))][:-)))][:-)))] parpal[flo] stie di ce[:D][:D]

Heal The World

Make It A Better Place

For You And For Me

And The Entire Human Race




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Postat 03 martie 2011 - 16:12

[pk][pk][pk] iona [pup] fix ezact ai ghecit [:D][:D] zioa de ieri, la sugestia lu bad sixtera [pup] a fost stabelita prin adunare [8D][8D] adunarea generala a lu baetii tey nu spui cu cine [bis][bis][bis] si/sau prin adunarea lor ca enumerotare [:D][:D] rexpectiv reiese k cati baeti ai [:D][:D][:D][:D] acu daca facem xcaderea poa sa rezulteze ceva kiar 'ntresant [majoreta][majoreta][majoreta]

Michael Jackson is a special part of me ![il][il][il]




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Postat 03 martie 2011 - 19:39

buna ziua fetileeeee[pup][flo] si azi e o baba maxima[pk] kiar daca de dimi erau cinshpe grade cu menus[:0][:0]

pffff, haidi mey mj sistera[pup] conoastem cu totii ca insixtentili e activitatea ta preferata[:D][:D][:D] si io nu saman cu tine[8D][8D] kiar daca stiu k tu vrai sa fii asa maxima ca mine[:D][bis][bis] in costumu N[8D] se pot face kestii mult mai interesante[alcool][alcool][alcool] da tu n-ai de unde sa stii dak ai ramas duar la stadiu de defilare [zid][zid] na, crek asa se esplica ensixtentili tali pe langa baetu meu[olala] da daca insisti fromos la baetii tai s-ar pute kiar sa afli si tu[pk][pk] k ei asa fromos m-a rugat[olala][olala] incat de toate pot k sa le fac[:D][:D] mai putin sa le spun nu[help][help]

BAD[olala] never nu insisteaza si pi niminea nu vra sa convinge de nemik[pk][pk] k pe cine a vrut[8D] a convins demult[bis][bis][8**][9cer][loveyou] singura dilema e duar daca sa mai suplimenteze stocurili de premii ca impartala cu darnicie[zid][zid] i-a epuizat pe boys in da band[zid][zid] si na... e satui si ei de atatea merite merituoase si criterii de premiere [:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))]

sistera iona[pup] la adunarea jenerala s-a stabelit TOT[:D][:D][:D] baetii tai[olala] o fost maximi[pk][pk][pk]

"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.

I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.

I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.

I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.

The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."





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Postat 03 martie 2011 - 20:20

[pk][pk][pk] meeeeeeeeeyyyyyy la mine cuostoamu N e piese veke in garderoba [:D] baetii mei [il][il][il] ruaga fuarte formos [8D] adevarat iaste neste delicati [olala] baetii mei [il][il][il] k nu vra k sa fie BAD [help][help]

io nu vrau sa saman cu tine [:D] da' daca ai trecut si tu la cuostoamu N cre ca s-ar putea k tu sa sameni cu mine [zz][zz][zz]

io sunt insixtenta in unile kestii reconox [:D] in ultima vreme cel mai mult enisistez k sa ii raxpund lu bad la xtrigari [bis][bis][bis] daca ma premiaza si nu imi plateste datorii [8D][8D][8D] nemik nu mai trebe spus[:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))]

dexpre xcadere baetii lu iona[pup] zice k vra k sa se scada di pe listile ei [:-)))][:-)))][:-)))][:-)))] ca vra pi campiili de sunflower si cu butterflies zburdalnici [pk][pk][pk][pk]

Michael Jackson is a special part of me ![il][il][il]


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