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Intrebari Panica


de ralucel123 in Panic despre 22 mai 2015 deschis - denunta

Testul Papanicolau

Buna ziua,Va scriu deoarece sunt foarte ingrijorata Am 22 ani si recent mi am facut testul Papanicolau pentru prima oara,iar rezultatul a fost : anomalii ale celulelor epiteliale,mai exact celule scumoase asc us,iar medicul mi a facut o colposcopie si mi a dat un tratament,urmand sa ma duc la control peste 3luni sunt foarte ingrijorata si nu reusesc sa imi revin,deoarece am inteles ca ar fi vorba de cancer

Raspunsuri (1):

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    by danielag about 22 mai 2015

    Eu din câte stiu diagnosticul de celule scuamoase atipice ASC US înseamna modificari ale celulelor, dar nu suficiente sa fie pus diagnosticul de LSIL (leziune intraepiteliala scuamoasa de risc scazut)


    ASCUS stands for Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance In other words, there are squamous cells that don't look normal, but those cells are not abnormal enough to be considered dysplasia

    ASCUS is the most common abnormal Pap smear result and is usually nothing to worry about Although ASCUS can be caused by an early HPV infection, an ASCUS diagnosis may also result from irritation from sex or even bad Pap smear technique Diagnoses of ASCUS will often resolve spontaneously over time with no intervention or treatment no matter what their cause

    Follow up for ASCUS is usually a repeat Pap smear at 6 months If that's normal, then no further follow up is necessary and a patient can return to the normal screening schedule Alternatively, patients diagnosed with ASCUS may be tested for HPV, with those who are positive for a high risk type being sent for further follow up such as colposcopy or LEEP

    Sursa: http://std about com/od/prevention/a/abnormalpap htm

    E bine ca ai facut si colposcopie Urmeaza tratamentul prescris si refa Pap testul dupa 3 luni

    Sanatate multa!

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