
Scrisoare deschisa catre Ambasade si Consulate

  • scrisoare deschisa pentru cancelariile reprezentantelor diplomatice de la Bucuresti (Ambasade, Consulate, UNICEF, SELEC, etc)

    status: ESTE TRANSMISA la data de 17.09.2013!




    Your Excellencies,

 , the largest Romanian online parenting community, together with The Non-governmental Federation for Children and The Civic Initiative GroupProCivilizatie, and Nadine Group  would like to draw Your attention to the recent tragic death of a four year old boy  in Bucharest,  after being ataked and eaten by stray dogs and to the passing by the Chamber of Deputies of a piece of legislation allowing euthanasia if a dog is not adopted in a resonable amount of time.


    We strongly believe that the public debate currently taking place in the Romanian society would be enriched if You were to address this issue by presenting the solutions implemented in your countries.

    We believe Your involvement is absolutely necessary and will be welcomed by the Romanian authorities.  It is vital that the authorities take control of the serious problem related to the stray dogs  (over 50.000 only in Bucharest) in order to ensure the safety of all people living or just visiting Romania, especilly for the most vulnerable ones, like children and elderly.


    So far, we demanded, during several public protests, that the authorities act decisively in order to guarantee the Constitutional Rights to life and safety. We petitioned the authorities and we responded to the invitation of The General City Council of Bucharest to attend a meeting concerning the implementation of the said legislation. 


    We are determined to request that the law should be followed in its entirety and properly implemented. We strongly demand a concrete and solid Protocol of measures, with a deadline for the removal of all stray dogs from the streets.

    We would like to call Your attention upon another serious consequence, as a result of the law being voted.


    Sadly, there has been a strong manipulation of the public opinion in order to determin the authorities not to finalise the procedures for enforcing the above mentioned law project and for this purpose to make the international mass media and people abroad, believe that the citizens of Romania are some barbarians that kill or mistreat animals.


    In the end, we want to underline that we show respect for animals, we want them to live in shelters where they can be properly taken care of and we condemn any form of abuse and violence against them.  We support the Mass Adoption campaign, a measure needed in order to prevent the dogs from being abandoned on the streets, sick and hungry, gathered in packs and taking human lives.  


    Below are our arguments, the 4 year old Ionut Anghel, being just one of the many:

    (please see attached documents and statistics)

    Oameni si traume

    Realitatea noastra


    Hoping our appeal for supporting children and life in general, safety and public health in Romania will be in Your assent, we kindly thank You in advance and we are looking forward for Your answer or any kind of public response.


    Yours sincerely,


    Alina Predescu, on behalf of,

    The Non-governmental Federation for Children


    Nadine Group




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